Friday 26 August 2011

Welcome to the family

First off, let me apologize for my hiatus. I was pretty busy the past few weeks so I haven't had the time to blog, but I'm back now. Happy times.

I went to a family reunion down at Mt. Rainier a couple weeks ago. It was super fun and great to be able to spend time with them, especially because I hadn't seen most of my dad's side of the family in years. That may seem crazy to some of you, but for me that's quite common. You see, growing up in Amsterdam, we didn't often have the funds to fly across the Atlantic to visit family. I've only seen them every so many years. And yet, there's a connection. You jump right back in, there's a familiarity to it. I like that.

This past week was my sister's wedding. She looked gorgeous on the day, had a beautiful ceremony and at the end of the day I had an incredible new brother-in-law. The day started with his family and her family, and by the end of the day it was one big happy family. There's no familiarity yet, but over the years, at the family gatherings, it will happen.

My eldest sister is pregnant with what will be my first niece or nephew, and I could not be happier. Although I realize that she lives in Amsterdam and so her baby will probably see me about as often as I saw my aunts and uncles growing up. But that's okay. We're family, and no matter what, that kid is going to be loved by each and every one of us. There's no doubt about that.

Sometimes it's hard for me to think about those who don't have a complete family unit, or who have no family at all. I pray for those people that they would find a way to their Heavenly Father and join the big family, the many brothers and sisters in Christ. Because although you may not know them, or see them often, you are always welcome, you can always jump back in and find the familiarity, and you will always find love.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

What's the one ship that can never sink?

“We’re just friends”. I really don’t like that saying, it sounds like you’re belittling friendship. Yes, I realize it is usually used in the context of being friends as apposed to dating each other or something, but still. I think friends are just as, if not more, important than a significant other.

Okay, this is coming from a girl who has never had a boyfriend, and maybe my opinion on the matter will change someday. But to me having friends is so important. And when I do have a boyfriend I know that he will be my best friend. Because good friends will always be there for you, they are ready to pick you back up when you’ve fallen and help you put the pieces back together. They are always able to put a smile on your face and accept you just as you are. With friends your heart is safe. There’s a special kind of love between friends.

I have had situations where I have lost friends and it’s incredibly hard, because to me a true friend means so much. But sometimes things happen, people grow apart, and time or geography get in the way.  All I know is that any friend of mine will always have a place in my heart and I will always accept them with open arms.  There are no hard feelings between friends, even old friends. When you hurt each other, there will always be space for forgiveness.

So no, we’re not “just” friends. We’re friends, and that means a lot. 

(Oh, and the one ship that can never sink is a friendship. Cheesy, eh? :) )

Sunday 7 August 2011

the clock keeps ticking on ..

Do you ever feel like you are just stuck waiting for your life to happen? I have that feeling sometimes. It could be partly because I'm still in school and it just seems like I'm still waiting for my life to start. It could be because it doesn't seem like I have accomplished much yet. But this is it, my life. It's happening.

There is a quote that I read once and it said that the days are long, but the years are short. That quote is very true for me. The days in which I do absolutely nothing seem to take forever, like time will never actually pass me by. But it does, and before I know it the months and years pass me by. When I think back to the things that have happened in my life I sometimes cannot believe how long ago it is now. Time sure does fly.

So I try. Try to make each month, week, day, hour and minute worth my while. Worth living. Sure, there are still times where I sit around "wasting time", but if you're wasting time in a way that you enjoy, I don't think it really is a waste of time. And for times where I feel like my life is stuck in a lull, I remind myself that this is the time to take and enjoy. There are going to be times in the future where I'll wish that I could just hang out with my friends and do nothing. God knows what I need and what I should be doing with my life, I'm sure He'll inform me in due time what I should be doing with my time here.

And even if I'm not doing some great deeds, or feel like I'm not really doing anything of value it may be that the Holy Spirit is working through me and doing incredible things without me even knowing it. All I can do is make myself available to God to be used however He choses, I trust He'll put me to good use eventually, if not now.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Confession time

"It's the end of a decade
In another ten years time
Who can say what we'll find
What lies waiting down the line"

For those of you who are confused as to why I might be quoting ABBA's song 'Happy New Year' in the middle of the summer, it is because tomorrow is my birthday. I will be turning 20, so for me it is the end of a decade. And I thought I should enter into it with a clean slate.

I realize that what I am about to say may be considered social suicide in certain circles and some of you may be quite shocked and even horrified at what I am about to reveal about myself. But it has to be said...

I like country music. 

The truth is, I always have. I can still remember being quite young and my favorite cassette tape was called "Kings of Country" and I would listen to it over and over. And I very much enjoy listening to the Dixie Chicks or Keith Urban. I even have a couple songs by Patsy Cline, Willie Nelson and Randy Travis on my computer.  

Now, in the past I have lied about my liking of country music because it seemed to be socially unacceptable to appreciate this genre of music, and I do admit, some of it is rather awful. But just as any genre, there are songs that are good and songs that are less good. 

So there you have it. You have learned something new about me. Let's see what else we'll learn over the next 10 years.