As I believe I have mentioned once or twice before, I love music. Not just for the lyrics, not just for the instruments, not just for the emotions that it portrays so very accurately, but for the way it can bring me back to a certain time, place, or person so easily.
You know how sometimes they use smell therapy for people who have memory loss to try to help them recall memories they may have lost? Music is like that for me. I can hear a song that I didn’t even know I had ever heard before and it can take me back to the time and place where I heard that song.
Also, most songs that I really like I like because they have a specific memory attached to them. Sometimes these memories are happy and nostalgic, other times songs can remind me of times where I was very sad or upset about something, but those are good memories too because I know that I learned something or grew somehow.
But beyond all that, one of the best ways in which songs are my memories is that they remind me of specific people. For most people in my life there is at least one song that reminds me of them specifically. (Heck, there is probably a song that reminds me of you!) I like those songs the best because they always, always make me happy. There are (and have been) so many people in my life whom I love so dearly and whom I’ve made incredible memories with and hearing songs just bring all those things back to me like a wave of goodness. It’s pretty great.
So thank you music for bringing me back to those amazing times that I hope I will never forget. Here’s to many more!