This song was on the most recent episode of Nashville (don't judge me -- someone's got to watch it..) and I really liked the lyrics so I thought I'd share them with ya'll (see how the show rubs off on me. oh dear.) Also, if you get a chance you should look up the video of it, it's by Lennon and Maisy: two very talented young sisters :)
A Life That's Good
Sitting here tonight
By the fire light
It reminds me I already have
More than I should
I don’t need a thing
No one to know my name
At the end of the day
Lord, I pray:
“I have a life that’s good.”
Two arms around me
Ever to ground me
And family that always calls me home
Four wheels to get there
Enough love to share
And a sweet, sweet song
At the end of the day,
Lord, I pray:
“I have a life that’s good.”