Friday, 2 March 2012

Whistle Blower.

So that was a bit of an unexpected hiatus… sorry about that. I honestly did not mean to simply leave you hanging like that. Truth be told, I have been pretty busy with school work and what not, but the real reason I haven’t written in a while is that I haven’t really thought of much that I felt was worth your time. But after it was brought to my attention by an avid reader (my mom) that I hadn’t written in a while I figured I might as well find something to tide you over for a bit longer.

Falling Whistles.

You may have seen my facebook status about them a while ago, but I figure this is worthy of more than just a status. Falling Whistles is a small non-profit movement that partners with local leaders in the Congo to advocate and rehabilitate for those affected by war. Many people are unaware that Congo has been at war for many many years, and that to this day nearly 1500 people lose their lives daily. Falling Whistles began as a blog that told the story of the young boy soldiers who are sent out to take part in this war armed with no more than a whistle. The readers of this blog began to wonder what they could do to help and the answer was simple: speak out, be a whistle blower for peace.

Falling Whistles now sells a selection of whistles, posters, and (soon) t-shirts. All the profit from these sales goes directly to the women and children affected by this war, and not only that but these whistles are a great way to spread awareness.

I purchased my falling whistle (Hamptons Brass) a couple weeks ago, and as soon as I came back to my dorm with my package the girls were asking about it and one of them even said she wanted to buy one as well. Now, I realize that these whistles are not particularly cheap, the prices range from $34 - $104 for the basic whistles, and some celebrities have even been spotted dawning the whistles in the $148 - $498 range, but I encourage those of you who want to take part in this movement to at least check them out. Even if you don’t buy a whistle, the posters are only $15 and really cool.

Now I hope this isn’t coming across as a sales pitch, I’m not trying to pressure you into this at all. But I just want to encourage you that this is a simple and fun way to give to a charity. And if the war in the Congo isn’t your thing, that’s fine, there are lots of different organizations that are supporting a good cause and need financial help. I’m not totally delusional and I realize that the economy is not so hot right now, I’m a student, trust me, I know. But the Bible does call us to give, so I encourage you to do so in whatever way you can.

That’s it from me, and I promise I’ll update again soon!

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