Tuesday 1 January 2013

My Wish for You this Year

I hope you experience things that challenge you this year.
Things that make you uncomfortable with how things are and make you strive for change.
My wish is that you also see things in this world that give you hope, things that keep you reaching for that better and brighter future.

This year, I hope that you seek to learn more about yourself.
That you try to change the things you don’t like and strive to be who you want to be.
But in that, I hope that you are also able to find acceptance of who you are now.

I hope that you meet new and exciting people to help make this journey of life more enjoyable.
I hope that you have the strength and wisdom to let go of the relationships that are weighing you down or holding you back.
That you realize who the people are in your life that really push you and help you to grow, and that you find ways to show them how much they mean to you.

I hope that this year is one in which the good will outweigh the bad. A year you will one day look back on as a good year. A year that was different somehow.

Many blessings and well wishes to you from me as you start your grand adventure of the year 2013. 

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