The glass is half-full. I like to think that is my outlook on life. But more often than not I tend to come off as more of a realist than an optimist. I say realist because I refuse to think of myself as a pessimist. I tell it like it is, which is a good trait to have at times, but it also means that I'm a bit of a bubble-burster at times. Something that I consider being far worse than telling it like it is, is complaining about stuff. And yet I do it all the time.
This summer has been a prime example, the days are few and far between that I don't mention how much it has been raining. But to be honest, I actually kind of like rain. And sure it would be nice to have a few sunny days here and there, but living in British Columbia a little rain is to be expected. And what right do I have to complain about a little rain, it isn't really causing me any harm. Think of the poor people in Africa who are dealing with the worst drought in years. People are dying of thirst and all I can think about it whether or not I'm getting a tan? That's just plain awful.
I think the root of most complaints comes from a sense of entitlement. That we deserve a nice summer. We deserve to be paid more, or work less, or have things always go our way. And it's just not true. We are not really entitled to anything. Certainly, we have our human rights, but if we have food and water and a place to sleep then we really have no right to complain about a thing.
In Numbers 11:1 it tells about how the people were complaining to God about being out in the desert and eventually God got really fed up with them. It's no surprise to me that God does not like complaining, after all He has done for us, day in and day out, we still find things to complain about. So as for me, I'm going to try to keep on the sunny-side of life and count my blessings every day. The glass is half-full.
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