Monday 8 April 2013

Sweet Goodbyes

Airports tend to get a bad reputation. Not surprisingly so. They are a hassle: security checks, finding the right terminal and gate, lots of waiting around, busy crowds, the list goes on and on. But there is something that happens in airports that you don’t see quite as much in other places. Airports tend to prompt people to show how they really feel about each other. As people head off into the unknown of new adventures they finally show how much they care in that final embrace or last conversation.

In my experience, airports have been places where I do some of my biggest thinking about who is important to me in my life. Possibly because KLM always decides to play the saddest songs on their audio-system that make me think of what I’m leaving behind, as well as what I’m going to. What if I never make it back, have I said everything that needs to be said? Have I told the people I love how I feel? Isn’t it interesting that people tend to only show how much they care when they realize that this might be their last chance?

The next couple weeks in my life will be interesting. While I’m excited about graduating and going into this next part of my life, I also meet this phase with some sadness because, let’s be honest, these next few weeks are the last that I will spend with some of these friends. In my life I’ve already missed out on telling some people how I felt about them before it was too late. I’ve neglected to recognize how precious the time spent with people you truly care about is. So I encourage you, no matter what stage of life you’re in or where you may be, hold on to these moments spent with those you  love and tell them that you care. 

"This is the time to remember 
Cause it will not last forever.
These are the days to hold onto
Cause we won't although we'll want to."
-Billy Joel

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