Friday 12 April 2013 taste it again.

I have steered a tall-ship out at sea.

I have felt the warmth of an udder as I milked a cow.
I have spent the night in a yurt.
I have tasted prawns fresh from the ocean floor.
I have stood on mountaintops.
I have fallen asleep watching the stars.
I have felt the saltiness of the Ocean on my skin.
I have pitched tents.
I have climbed many a tree.
I have smelled the wild flowers of the fields.
I have watched bears mosey on by.
I have shot an arrow from a bow.
I have paddled across the waters.
I have heard the rumble of thunder overhead. 
I have smelled the smoke of campfires.
I have drunk from the streams.
I have caught snowflakes on my tongue.
I have ridden a horse bareback.
I have heard the call of the eagle and loon.
I have danced in the rain.
I have burrowed under the snow.
I have felt the tightness of a cave.
I have tasted the meat of moose and deer.
I have cycled through hills and valleys.

I have tasted adventure. 
I have tasted what it is to be alive. 
I want to taste it again. 

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