Saturday, 18 June 2011

Come Fly With Me

To say the least, I am no stranger to flying. Ever since I was fairly young my family has been making trips across the Atlantic and around Europe and I feel very blessed to have been able to travel as much as I have. Sadly, when I was younger I had problems with motion sickness, lets just say that I have swallowed my fair share of Gravol over the years and that you probably would have preferred to not sit near me in an airplane.

Over the past few years my flights to and from Canada have become more frequent, as I attended school in Canada while my immediate family still lived in Amsterdam. During these flights I became better and better at flying. My mother seems to think the reason for that is that I took too much Gravol and knocked myself out, but I promise you I took the exact dosage that was on the bottle. Anyway, I am now able to comfortably make the ten hour flight without getting sick and I even eat the food and enjoy the entertainment system.

However there is still one aspect of flying I strongly dislike: the toilets. I try to avoid using them at all costs (how people bring themselves to join the mile-high club in there is beyond me). Fist of all there is always a lineup which is frustrating and once it is your turn you step into this tiny little space with the worst lighting ever, somehow it seems like everything is wet, but you pull yourself together and do what you need to do and then comes the worst part of all, the flush. No words can describe my dislike for airplane toilets flushing. If you have never been to the toilet on a plane let me try to explain to you what it sounds like, it is so incredibly loud that it sounds like you may actually be sucked into a parallel universe, you can't help but feel bad for the people with seats near the toilets who have to hear this awful sound throughout the flight. I so desperately try to avoid having to be in the room when it flushes that I often will push the button and then try to get out and close the door behind me before it actually flushes.

The other day I was browsing through "The Book Of Even More Awesome" by Neil Pasricha, which consists of a bunch of little chapters on things in life that are awesome and really enjoyable, and to my disbelief, airplane toilets were mentioned in this book. Someone actually enjoys them!!! Oh well, I guess we all have little things that we enjoy and others don't. All I can say is I'm pleased I now actually enjoy flying, and if the toilets are the worst part about it, I can deal with that.

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