Tuesday, 9 August 2011

What's the one ship that can never sink?

“We’re just friends”. I really don’t like that saying, it sounds like you’re belittling friendship. Yes, I realize it is usually used in the context of being friends as apposed to dating each other or something, but still. I think friends are just as, if not more, important than a significant other.

Okay, this is coming from a girl who has never had a boyfriend, and maybe my opinion on the matter will change someday. But to me having friends is so important. And when I do have a boyfriend I know that he will be my best friend. Because good friends will always be there for you, they are ready to pick you back up when you’ve fallen and help you put the pieces back together. They are always able to put a smile on your face and accept you just as you are. With friends your heart is safe. There’s a special kind of love between friends.

I have had situations where I have lost friends and it’s incredibly hard, because to me a true friend means so much. But sometimes things happen, people grow apart, and time or geography get in the way.  All I know is that any friend of mine will always have a place in my heart and I will always accept them with open arms.  There are no hard feelings between friends, even old friends. When you hurt each other, there will always be space for forgiveness.

So no, we’re not “just” friends. We’re friends, and that means a lot. 

(Oh, and the one ship that can never sink is a friendship. Cheesy, eh? :) )

1 comment:

  1. I love you Hanna. nothing "just" about your friendships with others <3
